Thursday 23 June 2011

random night

so how random is this i went for a walk decided to go into the shop to say hi to the  shop keeper only to get talking to a guy from new zealand who was very sexy indeed!!!! even if i do say so my it turns out that he is over here working but he has been trying to make friends but being the town that it is no one likes people who arent from around here so i said to him being the person that i am that id be his friend and if he wanted to go for a drink sometime we could so looks like we have a good thing going we will se how it goes not looking for anything to come out of it but if it does happy days but friends is good :) so we will see he said he would knock on so time will tell time to get all my good clothes out and see if they fit and how i look in them.......but hey i am losing weight after alll........

will keep you updated on the drinks situation :)

Sunday 19 June 2011

bucket list....(so far)

Things to do before........
1: learn to drive..............-
2: meet a great guy...........- done
3: get married...........-
4: get a great job...........-
5: sky diving...........-
6: go to the  carribean.............-
7: walk on the great wall of china.............-
8: climb table mountain...........-
9: raise alot of money for a  charity/good cause.........-
10: meet and thank a injured soldier...........-
11: climb the giants causeway steps without getting out of breath!!!..........-
12: bungee jumping off the highest bridge in south africa..............-
13: go on safari in south africa............-
14: travel from the top  of africa to the bottom...........-
15: go to new york city...............-
16: help release/relocate a cheetah back into the wild................-
17: see a great white shark in the wild...............-
18: swim with dolphins...........-
19: do a martial art........-
20: make great friends.........-done
21: be at the olympics.........-
22: go to leopards den........-
23: go to ireland..........-done
24: see the northern lights.........-
25: learn  new lauguage........-
26: conquer my biggest fear.........-
27: learn sign language.......-
28: encourage 10 friends to do a bucket list...........-
29: learn to dance.......-
30: do a good deed for 5 stranges without expecting anything back.........-
31: get to my ideal wieght......-
32: see at leat 3 of the 7 wonders of the world........-
33: learn to ride a horse.......-
34: get a braclet from every country in the world........-
35: volunteer somewhere............-
36: help someone in need.........-
37: spend new years eve in times square new york..........-
38: to follow alices blog bucket list.......-done
39: be a bone marrow donor........-
40: to help alice reach her goal in getting friends to sign up to be a bone marrow donor.......-
41: go to oktober fest in  Munich.....-
42: take a random roadtrip..........-
43: to be happy and healthy............-
44: to be wisked away to a undisclosed location............-
45: to have a tattoo..........-done
46: to never have regrets.......-
47: to always laugh at least once a day......-
48: to always smile......-
49: visit the forbidden city...........-
50: enjoy life to the fullest.......-
51: have no regrets.......-